Hey I'm Hannah, I am about to graduate college and I'm a fashion forward nerd. I love clothes, especially shoes. I love to sew and knit among other things. I also love gaming, Star Wars, B horror films, fantasy novels well books of any kind really, among other things. This blog is about whatever is on my mind which could be anything!!!! Full of jokes and sarcasm!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A new Chapter

Well, I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've posted anything but I've been a bit busy graduating college and preparing for a new chapter in my life. However, that has not stopped me from having several new musings. Recently I have become obsessed with Oblivion, and I now cannot wait for Skyrim to come out. I have also seen the new x men movie and let me just say some of those actors have never looked better! I also love that two of the stars of this film were also in Twilight and the Hannah Montana Movie, this is a big step forward for them. For the win! Because I do love me some Lucas Till, though I don't know that anything will every fully replace his performance in a little film called Dance of the Dead, a campy and ridiculous zombie film that holds a special place in my heart! I also got my first look at LA Noir, which i desperately want! I love the entire concept behind the 1940's detective. Then again I'm a huge detective fan and a huge 1940's fan. Who'd of thought?  Tomorrow the new Green Lantern comes out and despite it's negative reviews on rotten tomatoes I will still be in attendance to decide for myself whether this movie what a G.L. movie could and should be.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Well it's been a little over a week since I last posted, I'm sorry for the delay but things have been crazy around here this week. But I have learned quite a few things, like did you know that there are 100 words that mean kidnap in the English language? No. Me either. Lately I've been having my allergies kick me in the pants and I really have been dragging my feet... It kind of stinks. Like when the seasons change and that large shift from winter to spring makes you want to just be outside walking and picnicking and it stinks when you have no partner in crime for those activities. But there are a few things I love this week. The Smallville Series finale, The Dark Knight Rises, my ceramics 2 project..... and things I hate this week, career hunting, cover letters, sunshine, brushfires, doing dishes.....

The Smallville series, which is one of my favorites, is coming to an end this May. While this is disappointing, because I would have loved to see them cast in the new film, which they aren't, but while disappointing it is also good, they chose to do Superman and the decade they've put into this show and end it right. They are bringing back Lex Luthor, whom they cut out of the story so to say a few seasons back. We will also see the return of Johnathon and Martha Kent and Chloe, if you are a series fan this news should please you as it will return full circle to the shows origins.

I am freaktastically pumped about the Dark Knight Rises, not only because it is one of the best Batman series ever or because of how utterly gorgeous Christian Bale is. Christopher Nolan is a genius. Really this movie has so many things to be excited and I cannot wait to see it. But even more than seeing the film I am excited to watch it be made in my hometown of Pittsburgh. Can we say dream job?! While I have no delusions of grandeur, it never hurts to try because the worst anyone can say is we have already filled that position. Which kind of links me to things I hate because cover letters and resumes are just so time consuming and tedious!!! ARGHHHHHH! Please send good karma this way if you can!

I am sooooo proud of my ceramics 2 project, a 3ft gnome! I built it by hand and named it Aaron. Aaron was my best friend and he used to comendear gnomes for me and now everyone buys me gnomes for gifts and  I have quite the large collection. Recently my best friend, Aaron, passed away quite suddenly and now I'm only left with the memories and the gnome legacy he left me. I had planned to get a tattoo of a gnome in his memory and I still may but I was sitting in Ceramics, not desiring to work, and four weeks ago I embarked on this project and he turned out just the way I imagined him. He even has this little bit of Aaron tucked in him... I think Aaron would be impressed and pleased with how he turned out.

I hateeee brushfires and sunshine. I go to school in Oklahoma. It's sunny here, EVERY day! I couldn't tell you the last time we had cloudy weather or that it rained even. But it has been over 100 already this year. and it's windy and to top it all of these combined can create brush fires which spread rapidly and are very very hard to contain. This is kind of scary. No jokes.....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who's to say

Yesterday I wrote about Rebecca Black's song Friday. Well afterward I was reading something and I came across an interview with Miley Cyrus in which she rags on Rebecca Black saying you shouldn't be able to post a video on youtube and become an artist and some such nonsense. Well I laughed out loud at this. Who is she to comment on anyone's right to become an artist. Also not all of us have famous daddy's to get us Disney shows. Besides do we not remember how utterly obnoxious she was at 13 and she can't even sing!

One of the things I'm really into these days is ceramics. I am in a ceramics two class on campus and lately I have been working on a 3 ft high gnome, and let me tell you this thing is definitely what you would describe as a labor of love. I have been working on it for the better part of 3 weeks and today I finally have his face, beard and arms attached. He's winking. Okay so a lot of you may be thinking, gnome? creepy! and they are kind of creepy, but I collect them, and this one is in memory of my best friend, Aaron, who recently passed away, so I made a gnome he would have been proud of.

My mind is currently plagued with vampires. Not fluffy twilight vampires either. I write, clearly, and currently am working on reinventing the vampire myths.... so I have been googling and reading various vampire information and watching vampire movies to weed out what traits and characteristics I want mine to have. It's slightly arduous. The point of this moment however is that I decided regardless of what I post on fridays I'm also going to post some of the story and hopefully get some creative feedback....

So, I feel like an adult child. I am about to graduate college and I really want to find a job that is going to be fun. I like fun, I collect mister potato heads for goodness sake! I also very much like Star Wars, Star Trek, terrible B Horror, Legos and yes I am a girl who games! I love Mario Bros. I just wish there were a job out there I could do that would involve something nerdtastic. I would love to do a mystery science theater 3000 type show, only instead of science fiction I'd love to watch terrible horror films and shout at the screen and throw popcorn, even with the "good" and "classic" horror films! I think that would be hilarious, am I the only one?

Okay so I also love Glee and cannot get over their copy of "Hey Soul Sister" I am utterly in love with it today. Glee, Adele, and Kid Cudi. They are my jams today! I feel like a giant hogepodge of musical emotions today! Speaking of, tomorrow 10am central time go to the opsu.edu page and you can connect to the online version of KPSU and listen to me on the radio, two solid hours of good tunes and hopefully funny jokes!

Anyway I'm going to try to do some writing, I'll think of something good to post for tomorrow, other than writings that if you want to hear the writings, comments are welcome!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My first blog

So this is my first blog. I'm writing from the library today and hoping I can blog on the go from my phone but I'm not really sure of all the rules yet.... here are some of my current musings this week: 1. The president 2. Rebecca Black 3. Star Wars Craft Book By Bonnie Burton

1. The president: Let me preface this by saying I really don't care a whole lot for politics. I really don't think that anyone is doing an especially extraordinary job. I don't really care about a persons beliefs or personal life. I don't think that these things should correlate with their ability and platform for the job. I do, however, believe that the president should adhere to the guidelines for the job. I mean I wouldn't get a job doing I didn't meet the qualifications for. The president should not be exempt from this either. As I said I don't care much for politics, but I live in America, I want a president who is in fact an American. If I wanted a president from another country I would life in well, another country.

2. Rebecca Black: If you don't know who this is, she is noted as singing the worst song of all time, Friday. While it is certainly not impressive it is inanely catchy. I wanted to hate this song with a passion however, it was so catchy and simplistic that after I heard it I couldn't help but hum it the rest of the day. But the real thing to remember is that she is only 13 years old and if I was 13 and writing songs I'd write about the weekend and probably boys. In fact I probably have several poems, songs and stories from about that time that talk about those things. Though I am not sure what she means by "partyin partyin" as she is only 13.... But all in all it isn't the worst song I've ever heard.

3. Star Wars Craft Book by Bonnie Burton: I'm obsessed with crafts. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am an avid knitter, sewer, quilter and pretty much anything I can get my  hands on. I'm also working on my own knitting book, Knitting for the Zombie Apocalypse. I design my own clothes. I also love Star Wars and anything sci-fi... Ever since my Star Wars themed sleepover parties in elementary school! When I found out there was a Star Wars Craft Book coming out I had a serious nerdgasm! (An orgasm of sorts for nerding, like nerding out!) I have yet to purchase this book (wrong end of pay day) but I eagerly look forward to checking it out and am very pleased to announce that I have recently won a Star Wars craft kit from the folks at Del Ray and Star Wars Action News (my favorite podcast!) The SWAN folks just did an interview with Bonnie Burton, the amazingly rad chick who wrote this book and I have to say, I think I just found my new role model! She is very terrifical!

Well that wraps up my musings for today. Be sure to check out Friday by Rebecca Black, Star Wars Action News at www.swactionnews.com and Bonnie Burton's new book Star Wars Craft Book!!